- 2014-06-27 ~ 2014-06-27
- Place:
- 195-15 Tianlin Road
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- Energy Technology P...
- Speech by Prof. Harr...
- The China-Norway Dia...
- China-IGAD Cooperati...
- The G20 at Five: “Ne...
- 英文会议
- SIIS Annual Conferen...
- SIIS Annual Conferen...
- SIIS Is to Chair the...
- Promoting Asian Secu...
- ASEM Think-Tank Symp...
- Annual Conference of...
- Restructuring of Int...
- Asian Countries and ...
- China-Australia Regi...
- CICA Shanghai Summit...
- Stockholm China Foru...
- Drivers for a New Gl...
- International Semina...
- International Confer...
9:00-9:30 Welcome Remards
Chen Dongxiao, President, SIIS
Shi Yaobin, Vice Minister of Finance, China
9:30-10:00 Keynote Speech by Axel van Trotsenburg, Vice President, East Asia and Pacific Region, World Bank
“Middle Income Countries, the Post 2015 Agenda and the Role of Multilaterals”
Chair: Chen Dongxiao, President, SIIS
Guiding Questions:
• What are the defining factors in the rise of middle income countries (MICs) over the past two decades? What are the major challenges facing MICs in economic transformation?
• What roles can multilateral development agencies, such as the World Bank Group, play for the successful transformation of MICs?
• How can the cooperation between MICs and multilateral development agencies contribute to the post-2015 international development agenda?
10:00-10:20 Discussions
10:20-10:35 Group Photo and Tea/Coffee
10:35-12:25 Ensuring Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in East Asia and Pacific Region (EAP)
Chair: Zou Jiayi, Director-General, International Department, Ministry of Finance, China
Presenter: (20 minutes)
Bert Hofman, Chief Economist of East Asia and Pacific region, the World Bank
“Comparison of Development Paths Pursued by East Asia and Latin America MICs”
Discussants: (10 minutes each)
Zhuang Juzhong, Deputy Chief Economist, Asia Development Bank
Kang Moon-Soo, Professor, KDI School of Public Policy and Management, South Korea
Xu Mingqi, Professor and Director of European Studies Center, Shanghai Academy of Social Science
Chu Shulong, Professor and Director, Institute of International Strategic and Development Studies, Tsinghua University
Guiding Questions:
• What constitutes effective institutional support for sustainable and inclusive growth during economic transformation?
• China is transitioning from middle to high income country by adopting a more balanced growth model with increased domestic consumption. What experience and lessons can China learn from Latin America?
13:40-14:10 Keynote Speech by Zou Jiayi, Director-General, International Department, Ministry of Finance, China
China’s Approach to Multilateral Development Banks (title TBD)
Chair: Axel van Trotsenburg, Vice President, East Asia and Pacific Region, World Bank
14:10-14:30 Discussions
14:30-16:00 MICs and Future Multilateral Development Cooperation: Coherence of Old and New Institutions
Chair: Patrick Haverman, Deputy Country Director of UNDP China
Presenter: (20 minutes)
Vikram Nehru, Senior Associate and Bakrie Chair in Southeast Asia Studies, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Discussants: (10 minutes each)
Huang Jianhui, Deputy Director, Research Center of China Development Bank
Rathin Roy, Director of National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, Ministry of Finance, India
Huang Meibo, Professor, Xiamen University
Guiding Questions:
• What is the role of the multilaterals in a more inclusive global partnership for development cooperation?
• How should the new multilateral institutions, such as the BRICS Bank, bring healthy competition to the global development architecture? The rise of the emerging economies is shifting the international development finance architecture. What impact does it have on future operations of the World Bank Group and other multilaterals?
• The World Bank Group is undergoing major reforms to achieve the twin goals: ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. How does the World Bank Group fit into the new development finance architecture?
16:00-16:15 Tea/Coffee Break
16:15-17:45 China/World Bank Partnership in Advancing Mutually Beneficial Relations with the World
Chair: Klaus Rohland, Country Director for China, Korea, and Mongolia, East Asia and Pacific Region, World Bank
Presenter: (20 minutes)
Li Xiaoyun, Professor, China Agricultural University
Discussants: (10 minutes each)
Zhou Hong, Director of Center for International Development Cooperation and Welfare Promotion, CASS
Chorching Goh, Chief Economist, World Bank China
Zhang Haibing, Executive Director, Institute for World Economy Studies, SIIS
Mao Xiaojing, Associate Research Fellow, Department of Development Assistance at the Chinese Academy of International trade and Economic Cooperation (CAITEC), Ministry of Commerce, China
Guiding Questions:
• How does China assess its engagement through bilateral and multilateral channels, including the World Bank Group? What should be the priorities for the Bank in the medium term from the Chinese perspective?
• What are the opportunities to move the south-south cooperation beyond the exchange of knowledge?
• How can the China/Bank partnership maximize the development impact in MICs and LICs?
17:45-18:00 Concluding Remarks