Global Governance
  • Cooperation and Development:The Way of China forward to Arct...
    1900-01-01 XU Shijie
    China is a country in the northern hemisphere; it is close to the Arctic and has a lot of links with the Arctic region. The Arctic climate has important impacts on China’s climate change. The cold wind mainly comes from Siberia, and m... [FULL TEXT]
  • The Arctic Governance, Extra-regional Factors and China’s Ar...
    Notwithstanding, the Arctic environment change is not purely due to the intra-regional factors, let alone its impacts like the melting of ice has crossed over the Arctic border to involve the whole planet. Besides, that the extra-regional a... [FULL TEXT]
  • Guiding the Environmental Conduct of Chinese Hydropower Inve...
    1900-01-01 REN Peng and Douglas Whitehead
    A joint report published by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) describes an ecological deficit China faces, and China’s increasing trend, th... [FULL TEXT]
  • An Emerging Driving Actor: China and Post-2015 Debate
    With only less than 1000 days for implementing the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) left, the debate about post-2015 global development agenda now is gradually heating, with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that proposed by Co... [FULL TEXT]
  • 新时期中国对外战略的内涵与特点
    本文讨论新时期中国对外战略问题。这里有两层意思需要首先厘清,一是新时期的定义。在中国的政治术语中,新时期是涵盖面较广的,本文论述的范围限于中共十六大以后的将近10年时间。做这种划分显然是以中国国内政治发展为主脉的,旨在对这个重要时期的中国对外战略做初步探索,力求论证在中国成长为全球大国的道路上,这是一个承前启后、继往开来的决定性时期。另一是对外战略的定义。大国的对外战略一般具有全球性的范畴和布局,但中国迄今并未颁布过任何关于中国全面的对外战略的官方正式文件,中国的对外政策宣示... [FULL TEXT]